
Directed By Marcia Rock

SERVICE portrays the courage of the women in service and once they have left the military; the horrific traumas they faced, the inadequate care they often receive on return and the large and small accomplishments the women work mightily to achieve. Through compelling portraits, we watch these women wrestle with prosthetics, homelessness, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Military Sexual Trauma.

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Women make up 15 percent of today's military. That number is expected to double in 10 years. SERVICE highlights the resourcefulness of seven amazing women who represent the first wave of mothers, daughters and sisters returning home from the frontless wars of Iraq and Afghanistan. Portraying the courage of women veterans as they transition from active duty to their civilian lives, this powerful film describes the horrific traumas they have faced, the inadequate care they often receive on return, and the large and small accomplishments they work mightily to achieve.
Marcia Rock’s documentaries cover international dilemmas, women’s issues as well as personal perspectives. She recently completed three films on veterans, two with Patricia Lee Stotter. Soldiers Period is a humorous short debunking myths about PMS, Warriors Return focuses on Navajo veterans and SERVICE: When Women Come Marching Home about women transitioning from active duty to civilian life that won a NY Emmy. From the plight of salt harvesters in Ghana to the changing role of women in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, She has covered Irish American and Northern Irish history producing Daughters of the Troubles: Belfast Stories (1997) that won many awards including the AWRT Grand Documentary Award. McSorley’s New York, tells the story of the NY Irish through the patrons of the bar and won a NY Emmy. Dancing with My Father, explores how adult love is shaped by what a child learns at home. Surrender Tango is a documentary on how tango can be a metaphor for relationships. Her other credits include, Village Writers: the Bohemian Legacy (1990), Reynolds Price: a Writer's Inheritance (1989) and The Singing Angels in China (1983), Cleveland Emmy. She is the director of News and Documentary at the NYU Carter Journalism Institute and she co-authored with Marlene Sanders, Waiting for Primetime: The Women of Television News.