Bleed With Me is a psychological horror film that explores the intersections of admiration, compulsion, and obsession. Rowan, a vulnerable outsider, is thrilled when the seemingly perfect Emily invites her on a winter getaway to an isolated cabin in the woods. Trust soon turns to paranoia when Rowan wakes up with mysterious incisions on her arm. Haunted by dream-like visions, Rowan starts to suspect that her friend is drugging her and stealing her blood.
Originally hailing from the West Coast, Amelia Moses has called Montreal home for over ten years. As a filmmaker she is interested in female-driven stories of the macabre and the uncanny. Her first feature Bleed With Me (writer, director, producer) premiered at the Fantasia International Film Festival and was distributed as a Shudder Original in 2021. Her second feature Bloodthirsty (director) was the closing film at Austin’s Fantastic Fest and was nominated for two Canadian Screen Awards. She recently directed the thriller Guess Who for Tubi and is currently finishing up a new short film called Her Body. She also produces through her production company Havoc Films.