THE HOLLOW WOMEN follows Frances, a young woman preparing for a solo journey, and her strained relationship with her mother, Claudia. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the Sonoran Desert in 1990, where tensions escalate when in an act of self-defence Claudia ends up killing her abusive husband, Jimmy.
Frances helps her mother by driving to the desert to bury the body. On the way back, they encounter Olga and Lili, a couple escaping their troubled past and in the middle of sex, suddenly Frances gets a flat tyre from nails scattered across the road.
This triggers Claudia as she believes that they have been set up by the couple. She points her gun at Lili forcing her to drive her to the nearest town to get a tow truck.
This ‘switch’ of partners allows each character to travel with a ‘strange’ woman who works as a mirror of their insecurities and trauma.
Ultimately, in a twist of realms, Claudia and Frances find themselves facing car trouble, but this time, Olga, despite initial hesitations, extends a helping hand. This gesture symbolizes an understanding of vulnerability and marks a newfound sense of unity among the women, transcending their tumultuous journey through the desert.
The film concludes on a note of healing and forgiveness as Claudia and Frances encounter a moment of reconciliation and understanding, signifying a shift in their relationship dynamics.
Maria Millan is a Venezuelan Director/ Writer based in London where her creative journey has flourished across various realms of the film and photography industry. An alumna of the Hessen Lab, she showcased her screenplay 'The Hollow Women' at the B3 Biennale in Frankfurt, Germany, in October 2022, which is now a semi-finalist of the Stowe Lab Screenwriting Fellowship.
Maria is now developing 'The Hollow Women' along with Producer Matthias Ehrenberg and Khotan Fernandez from Chibal Entertainment. The project was selected for the Main Strand of the Production Finance Market organised by Film London last October where they established a co-production with Aldea Studios in the Dominican Republic bringing 45% of the funding needed.
Acknowledged for her talent, Maria was chosen for 'Talent Led: Next Gen' by the Independent Film Trust in London for the 2022/2023 term. Her academic foundation includes a BA Honours in Communications and Media, specialising in Audio-Visual Arts from the Catholic University Andres Bello in Caracas, Venezuela. Furthering her skills, she studied Video Editing techniques at the renowned International Film School in San Antonio de Los Baños, Cuba (EICTV).
Awards History
B3 Biennial Hessen Lab 2022
London Independent Film Trust 2022-23 - 'Talent Led: Next Gen'
Film London Production Finance Market 2023 - Main Strand
Producer - Matthias Ehrenberg
Producer - Khotan Fernandez