Just Lie to Me is a dark comedy centered around two people navigating their identities: Noah, a well-off intellectual who gets pressured by his coworker into soliciting a girl for the night and Brooke, who gets mistaken as a prostitute and decides to go along with it. The situation unfolds in a clunky interaction where both characters’ facades slowly wear away as they're forced to examine themselves.
KELLY WALKER is an Australian multi-hyphenate award-winning filmmaker. In 2017, Walker was selected for Australians In Film’s Writers Lab with her screenplay, My Fiona. Walker went on to direct My Fiona which premiered at London's BFI LGBTIQ+ Festival, had an award-winning festival run, and secured a ReFrame Stamp. In 2021, My Fiona was distributed through Freestyle Digital and is available on demand. If you need a good cry, this movie is for you.
Walker was a Semi-Finalist for the Black List and Stowe Story Labs with her Black List Recommended Audrey Hepburn biopic, The Beauty of a Woman. Most recently, Walker’s adaptation of The Upside of Falling Down, based on the book by Rebekah Crane, is set up with Embankment Films. Coming up, Walker is attached to direct the feature, Liza Anonymous, co-written with Leah McKendrick. Walker continues to focus her curiosity on women's stories with shades of moral ambiguity, but make it cute.
Walker is a member of Walker is a member of WIF, AIF, Film Fatales, ULSC & Gotham, and is a 2024 WIF Writer Fellow.
Screening History
LA Shorts International Film Festival 2023
Writer - Kylie Alesso
Producer - Kylie Alesso
Actor - Kylie Alesso
Producer - Jordan Dunn
Producer - Ryan Halprin