GIRL ALOUD evolved from a struggle with being unemployed to also being about a struggle with being silenced. Something that is a familiar topic today. But I wasn't really aiming to echo today's news headlines. But more of how I personally feel stifled at times. And held back. I'm sure many will relate to this story, and hopefully be inspired to "be loud."
Mary’s first got involved in the Arts by studying and performing improv and sketch comedy for several years. Eventually she evolved into acting in theatre and film. After almost 11 years of acting in plays, indie films, and web series, 2018 opened up an opportunity to produce and help direct a SAG film as part of the January 2018 Actor’s Green Room Film Challenge in NYC, the award-winning film Candlestick Justice (a First Time Productions film). After that she decided to produce, write, direct, and star in her own film, the award-winning Schmoopie, inspired by a break up and her love of animals (Mary has volunteered at the Quincy Animal Shelter since 2008). Under the umbrella of her own production company, Call it a Whim Productions, she has continued to write; notably, she wrote the award-winning short script Red Shirt, about a woman who goes on a blind date not knowing anything about her date other than he is wearing a red shirt. In 2019, Wallie’s Gals began production; Mary wrote, directed, produced and acted in this feature comedy about a group of women who reunite (30 years later) after working in a discount clothing store together. Currently on the festival circuit. Mary recently completed her feature script, “Girl Aloud,” a drama about a middle-aged woman named Randy who is faced with the loss of her “voice” when her own mother turns against her…with the aid of Randy’s boss.
Awards History
Page Turner Screenplays 2023 - Best Feature Screenplay Quarterfinalist
Shawna Shea Film Festival 2023 - Outstanding Achievement Award
Lonely Seal International Film Screenplay and Music Festival 2023 - Best Feature Screenplay Finalist