D'ORA is a historic drama series, inspired by the photographer Dora Kallmus aka Madame D’Ora, about a free spirited, ambitious, young woman from an Upper Class Jewish family in Vienna who aspires to become a photographer in order to establish her financial independence, so she will not be forced to marry and can continue her affair with her older, married lover Esté.
Full of charm, talent, and zest for life, Dora will struggle to break into the male dominated field of photography, establish herself and her studio while taking advantage of the people who help her to break free from the societal chains she faces as a woman. But will her ambition, quick rise and ruthlessness cost her the one thing that means the most to her: her relationship with Esté? D’Ora will explore the themes of love, gender inequality and family against the background of a fast changing, tormented Europe in the first half of the 20th century
Kat Rohrer is filmmaker, who has produced and directed both narrative films and documentaries, as well as a wide variety of industrial films and commercials.
Her short film, The Search, won Best Short at the 2005, LA Femme Film Festival. Her 2011 short film, Wantless, was selected for the 2011 Hamptons International Film Festival. Kat has also been the Director of Photography on several feature-length documentaries.
Her first feature documentary, Fatal Promises, an in-depth probe of human trafficking, has been show across the US and Europe in multiple film festivals. Kat’s feature length documentary, Back to the Fatherland, has been screening in festivals world-wide (Haifa International Film Festival, Vienna Jewish Film Festival, Festival Du Cinema Israelien Paris, many more) for the past four years and has been theatrically released in Austria, German, and the United States and aired on TV in Austria, Sweden, Germany and Israel. Kat recently finished her short film “Roads Not Taken” and is in pre-production for her feature length romantic comedy "What a feeling" as well developing a series.
Awards History
London International Short Film Festival 2022 - Audience Award