Babka follows Moishe, a devout Orthodox Jewish baker from South Williamsburg, whose life takes a dramatic turn when diabetes robs him of his sight and livelihood. His journey back to independence begins with Jesus, a queer Catholic Latin guide dog trainer and Bear, a guide dog. As Moishe endeavors to reopen his bakery, he faces the challenge of convincing his wheelchair user wife Esther and the dog-averse Orthodox community of his need for Bear. The film captures their first walk together from his apartment to bakery, revealing the deepening connection between Moishe and Jesus, as they confront societal doubts, personal beliefs, and find an unexpected camaraderie in their differences.
Serena Dykman is a culture-clasher. A New York-based filmmaker, and graduate from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts Film and Television program, Serena's work ranges from comedy to drama and documentary, and has won over 40 awards. Her films THE DOORMAN, BED BUGS & COMPANY, and WELCOME have been selected in over 80 film festivals around the world, including at the Cannes Film Festival, and Oscar-qualifying film festivals. WELCOME has 1 million views online, and won a Webby Award ! Serena is a "third-culture kid" born in Paris, and raised between London, Brussels, and New York. Her passion for travel, and cross-cultural curiosity has informed much of her work.
Producer - Julia Elaine Walker
Cinematographer - Nick Walker
Editor - Chriz Naing
VFX Supervisor - Alex Noble
Disability Consultant - Nefertiti Matos Alivares