Pulling Focus features craft-based educational workshops for up-and-coming filmmakers, panel discussions about equity and representation in film, and in-person mixers that build community for marginalized voices. Check out some of our upcoming events and get involved!

(Insider tip: Film Fatales members receive free or discounted tickets to events. Log in to the member portal or learn more about how to join)


Pitch It
Friday, March 22nd,  2pm-3pm PT / 5pm-6pm ET

Join Film Fatales for an online workshop about How to Create Impactful Decks and Pitches led by Film Fatales member Jenny Deller (writer-director of Future Weather and producer of Claire in Motion). Moderated by Film Fatales member Maria Breaux (Vulveeta). In this interactive workshop, filmmaker and designer Jenny Deller will walk you through five simple steps to help you pre-visualize and pitch your film, music video or TV series. Learn the latest ideas that are helping showrunners, directors and producers advance their projects and walk away with some basic concepts, design tips and resources to get your pitches off to a great start.

Pitch It
Friday, March 22nd,  2pm-3pm PT / 5pm-6pm ET

Join Film Fatales for an online workshop about How to Create Impactful Decks and Pitches led by Film Fatales member Jenny Deller (writer-director of Future Weather and producer of Claire in Motion). Moderated by Film Fatales member Maria Breaux (Vulveeta). In this interactive workshop, filmmaker and designer Jenny Deller will walk you through five simple steps to help you pre-visualize and pitch your film, music video or TV series. Learn the latest ideas that are helping showrunners, directors and producers advance their projects and walk away with some basic concepts, design tips and resources to get your pitches off to a great start.